Everyone has a part in sharing his or her stories of faith. The process of formation is the responsibility of everyone in our parish: clergy, staff, parishioners, and especially parents. Integral to each session is an understanding of the gospel message of Jesus Christ, its application to their daily lives, and the teachings and traditions of the Church. Our program is designed to help children grow spiritually at their individual level of experience and comprehension. Children enrolled in parochial schools are welcome to join the program as well, so that they may become more involved in the parish. You may remember in your youth Religious Education being called “CCD.” The Religious Education program is designed for children who do not attend parochial school and wish to receive the sacraments of First Reconciliation, First Holy Communion, and Confirmation. For answers to specific questions, please email the Director of RE, Melissa Doyle at To register for 2021-2022 Religious Education, please click HERE
This page is designed to provide general information regarding sacramental preparation for children preschool aged through middle school. Religious Education at the Cathedral Welcome to Religious Education at The Cathedral of the Incarnation!